I'm celebrating World Collage Day Saturday, May 13th, 2023 with a FREE mini Surprise Collage Class *** (scroll down for the link to watch the recording of this class on my YouTube channel) *** World Collage Day, initiated by Kolaj Magazine in 2018, is an annual international celebration of collage on the Second Saturday of May. Artists and art venues are invited to hold events on that day to celebrate the art of collage. World collage day is about artists connecting across borders and about sharing an art medium that excels at bringing different things together to create new forms and new ways of thinking. Let's celebrate World Collage Day by creating a surprise collage! We'll start by making a collage on a half sheet of paper by tearing or cutting the collage papers into smaller pieces and then glueing away. The best part is - you can't make a mistake! The surprise comes when we take that one collage and see how beautifully and easily it turns into eight mini collages. While we are waiting for our collages to dry I'll give you some ideas for how you can use these mini collages. At the end I'll share a little about the Mailscape Collage Workshop that I have coming up in June 2023. Got your glue stick ready? Have a look at the short supply list below and start gathering your collage papers.
The Zoom recording for this mini Speed Collage class can be viewed on my YouTube channel Below are collages that were created during the live Zoom class. Gael C. Rosann W. Vivian L. Sharon M. Gayle R. Carrol S. Anja K.
Signs of spring are starting to appear! Yesterday I saw the tops of daffodils poking their heads up through the ground. They will probably get covered with snow a few more times before they really get going but it sure makes it feel like spring is on the way. February turned out to be kind of a strange month for me. I had lots of plans for filming and scheduling my next workshops. Things quickly got off track but in a fun and creative way. I came across Stitch Camp on Instagram, a 5-day challenge hosted by TextileArtist.org. I was attracted because 1. I love to stitch and 2. Gwen Headly was going to be the instructor. I have her book "Drawn to Stitch" and it's one of my favorites to flip through for inspiration. The project began with acrylic paint mark-making on fabric. We then cut the fabric into small sections, rearranged them, and pieced it all back together with a variety of decorative stitches. I finished with an 8" x 15" rectangle and after I back it with denim it will be made into a pouch of some kind. From stitching fabric pieces together I moved on to stitching book pages together. In the Handmade Bookclub that I joined back in October of 2020, we get instructions for monthly book projects. It's been a great learning experience and has given me new ways to use the rusted, eco-printed, and onion skin dyed papers I love to make. I was so intrigued by this book structure with a window on the cover that seemed to offer endless options. I love how the soft neutral tones of the eco-print and the linen cover came together. It's my favorite book so far. Just FYI - If you're at all interested in handmade books there is a 5-day Journal Challenge starting on March 7th. You can sign up at Vintage Page Designs. I highly recommend giving it a try! My next diversion started because of some studio cleaning and an Amazon order. I knew I was probably the only artist left that didn't own a POSCA paint pen so I figured it was time to get on board. Now I have three and I love them. I have to say I've really enjoyed the role of being a student and am glad I made time for the creative play I'd been craving. So, what will I be doing next? Hopefully, at least some of those things I got sidetracked from this month : ) Watch for more self-paced online classes - Mailscape Collage will be first, and then an Intro to Eco-Printing later in the year. I'll be doing several Zoom Eco-Printing classes, which will start in July. I'm putting together another plant list. This one will focus on leaves that make good prints. If you missed my list of "My 10 favorite plants to grow for an eco-print garden" last year no worries, I'll be making that available to my email subscribers again soon. "Beautiful sunsets need cloudy skies." ~ Paulo Coehlo |
AuthorHi, I'm Kathy an artist working in the mediums of collage, eco-printing, rust printing, and slow stitching who loves to teach. I enjoy sharing my process and guiding you on your creative journey. Archives
February 2025